Thursday, February 9, 2012


I am a monster but my needs to be human are just as strong as yours, I try everyday to be the same as you, to live a life like you; a life I once had. I may break from thirst but who are you to blame? I'm not perfect and I feel regret, sometimes its just to hard to reject. The smell, the taste, the sound of blood flowing through your neck, your whole body is just glowing. I never meant to thrive off hurting you, but I also have to survive. There is not a day that goes by that I don't miss you, all I wanted was to just kiss you, but after all I'm still an animal, instincts control to much, I guess I am nearly cannibal. Thirst is overpowering, weakening, all I think about is destroying, but yet in such a graceful way. I am a monster but I live just like you and I love just like you, I once was human but I never knew thirst til I met you.


  1. Hey, will you change this picture, please?

    It's good. It's creepy. It fits your post. But remember that we have young, innocent readers in the class.

  2. Thanks. I'm sorry.

    By the way...I really liked this post. This image of surviving off someone else's pain. "I never meant to thrive off hurting you, but I also have to survive." This seems like such a human trait. I think we're all monsters.
